Posts Tagged ‘running’
My Story
When you look up 5k training, mostly what you comes back is running. And so it is, here – for a time, anyway. We will weave other 5k fun activities over time, but not just yet.
For now, we’ll talk 5k training fun as it relates to running. And a lot to new runners, as 5k is a good starting point…. on your mark … get set ….. GO!
My name is Mary. This is my “story” about running….. how I started and why.
When I started, I couldn’t imagine doing even 5K. I was so afraid of getting hurt and if I did, I knew that would be it for my running career. I hadn’t run in over 2 decades. So, in the back of my mind, I was thinking 5K…. something I knew I could walk, if my body wouldn’t keep running. Didn’t want anybody watching over my shoulder just in case I didn’t do it. Didn’t want to tell my friends-again just in case. Low key, solo training, no group runs.
I undertook running (this time) with the consistency born of a passion for what I was about to do. I felt it deep inside… THIS TIME IT WOULD BE!
Knowing why will help you understand my passion, my reason for running. In a word: my son. It still brings a tear to my eye when my mind settles there, knowing this “gift” he gave me. … It tugs my heart, and keeps my feet moving forward.
A few years back my son, who was then in his earlier 20’s, took me to a rather rustic path and he ran the path – and he ran. My 5’2″ trying to keep up with his 6’3″ , mostly legs that moved like a gazelle. .. well I didn’t keep up. (surprise?)… When he finished, we had a “chat”, or rather “he” had a chat with “me”.
Tom: “Mom, you really need to start running for yourself. Get a life. You liked running years ago, so do it again now. You need to be active.”
Me ” You got me kid. I understand. And I will. But it’s been a long time and …. ”
.. and that was the last time we ever ran together.
Running was a long way off… I joined a gym and slowly started to come up to minimum levels of fitness. The gym took on a life of its own. I hired a trainer to set up a few different programmes for me over time.
It took me a very long time to get to the point where I would venture outside and “run” following my workouts… like a year and a half. Once I hit this point, something magical happened. Running in the beauty of my (now) west coast town, changed my life. I was having fun. I loved the scenery. I loved running.
Other people were doing the same, soaking in the beauty of the outdoors as they ran. It became social. I was having so much fun and meeting new people. Runs along the ocean were especially inspiring. As I chatted with other runners, I realized they were mostly training for “runs”. My gosh, the last organized “run” I did was over 2 decades ago-a “fun run” back east.
And they say timing is everything. The next annual Vancouver Sun Run would take place in 13 wweeks. AND, they had a 13-week training plan for beginners. Run with over 50,000 other folks? Why not. There is always a blast of party-like fun after the Sun Run. And lunch with new friends. I’m in. My son, Tommy, was happy, and this spurred me on. Except he had “bigger” outdoor activities planned that same day (a climb), he might have run with me (er, ahead of me). My sister ran it with me.
Thirteen weeks later, after over one hour and 20 minutes of “conflict” – running vs walking and looking at the incredibly scenery along the race route – I crossed the finish line – uninjured, except for a chronic knee condition. And the atmosphere, being in the company of 10’s of thousands of other like-minded folks was simply inspiring.
And my son? Well, he was so proud of my first run. He realized that I “got it” – finally. I’ll always remember him telling me how proud he was –
“Hey, I’m proud of you mom”.
He smiled at me with his big trademark smile. This, alone, made it all worthwhile. And sent me in search of what to run next.. I found 5K’s and 10K’s, causes like Engineers without Borders (my son was an engineer) and arthritis (through my local running shoe store). I knew I’d never turn back; I never have.
This is the hard part – running has become even more engrained in my life this past year, because now I run in my son’s memory.
The month before my second Sun Run, my son, Tom Bennett, died tragically, at age 26 atop Mt. Shasta in Northern California. That year I wore a memory t-shirt in his honour. Many of his work colleagues joined me and did the same. as we moved along the Sun Run course in his memory.
So you see my passion for running…. I view running as a “gift” from my son. Every time I run I know he is proud, I feel his presence. Running will always be part of the fabric of my life.
And I’ll do everything I can to encourage and help you in your running, and to have fun doing it.
There is so much I have begun to explore and wish to share with you about running. For example, “destination runs” – take a trip, do a run, then have fun vacationing in and around the trip location. Two years ago I didn’t even know this existed…
I also have found out things about training. Which I’ll share. In case it helps. What I found to use has helped me. And kept me injury-free.
Together we can have some “serious fun” – learning and exploring everything about running that we can. Let’s go… On your mark … get set …..LET’S GO!